A Community of Adventurers of the Soul and Body

Accelerate Success. Hit Your Goals.

Turn Your Growth and Life Mastery From "Work" Into an Adventure of Skilled Play!

Action Creates Success

The enemy of success is drift. Isolation. Old habits. Every week, you will have the opportunity to jolt yourself into your ideal life as you take on a NEW challenge of YOUR choice into your obstacles and fears.

Partners Assure Success

You'll never be alone as part of the Tribe. Each week, you'll gain a new "Quest Ally" (accountability partner) who'll have your back, support you in your weekly quest and help you win the specific challenge you created for yourself

Consistency Locks In Success

Most people fall into cycles of enthusiasm and disenchantment. They start out full of fire and then fizzle out. We have discovered that bold, consistent action changes not only what you do and have - but who you ARE. Have fun stepping into your full power.

What They Are Saying About it!

“I love how these Circles get us to explore the playful beings that we are. It makes it so easy to open more. I love how we approach life as an experiment, which allows me to open up more and dive into the exercises freely and not get bogged down by ideas or by the past.”

Donna - Los Angeles, CA

"We just don’t often have time to think what’s important in life, but these Circles give me time to think about the big picture questions. The exercises help me get clear on my strengths, my unique brilliance - and how I can bring the most value to my work and to the people I my life."

Stephen Endres - Providence, RI

"Wow! What insights I got in so sahort a period of time! It’s amazing how having fun can lead to such great insights. I got a big kick in the pants to go for it, to own my gifts and talents and strengths! What’s unique is the whole approach that provokes us into playing a bigger game."

Kenya Klauset - Calabasas, California

"Wow! What insights I got in so sahort a period of time!

It’s amazing how having fun can lead to such great insights. I got a big kick in the pants to go for it, to own my gifts and talents and strengths! What’s unique is the whole approach that provokes us into playing a bigger game."

Kenya Klauset - Calabasas, California

" No more playing small!

We just don’t often have time to think what’s important in life, but these Circles give me time to think about the big picture questions. The exercises help me get clear on my strengths, my unique brilliance - and how I can bring the most value to my work and to the people I my life.

Stephen Endres - Providence, RI

Life is a Game of Skills - Play it to Win!

Love. Passion. Success. Creativity. Truth. Fun. Calling. Connection. Power. Freedom.

Ratchet Up Your Life Mastery Skills Every Week So That You Become Your Most Present, Creative, Empowered, Playful, Loving, Self-Expressed & Successful Self!

You want to raise your life game! To master the skills to be a better friend, lover, professional, parent, entrepreneur, mentor, wealth-creator - an optimal humanoid!

But we live in a time of scattered attention. Of giddy dumbth. Of isolation. Of spectatorship and dazed phone-gazing. Too many people grow disspirited.

We created The Bold Life Tribe after 15 years of men's and women's leadership work in order to invigorate you into action.

Into your greatness.

You will wake up all these qualities through a fun and challenging weekly slate of bold personal growth quests with powerfully supportive allies. Napoleon Hill concluded after his massive study of success that DRIFT is the #1 killer of success in life.

The Bold Life Tribe is the Life- Drift Killer! The Rut Ruiner. The Dip Destroyer. The Settling-For-Second-Best Slayer. We've developed a gamified system and curriculum that laser-focuses you on cultivating the following qualities that matter MOST in your life..

  • ​fearless creativity and smart risk-taking
  • ​a grounded, calm, confident and vital embodied presence
  • ​honed power for positive impact
  • ​profound inner and outer curiosity and fearless action  
  • ​the ability to speak your truth honestly and forthrightly
  • healing what's broken
  • living your highest vision right through obstacles and illusions

What a Podcast!

From our library...

Dr. Sean Stephenson

"The 3 Foot Giant"

Dr. Susan Campbell

The 5 Minute Relationship Repair

Yanik Silver

Evolved Enterprise

Alicia Dunams

Author: "I Get To!"

The Bold Life Tribe

© The Higher Game LLC. 2020. All Rights Reserved.