Turn Your Growth From "Work" Into an Adventure of Skilled Play!

The Bold Life Action Circles

These co-ed Circles provide an absolutely unique place for men and women to share their truths and explore their dreams in a 100% safe and supportive container.

And, as you move through the deepening exercises, challenges and bold actions together as you progress through the Bold Life Tribe curriculum - you will gain some unique perspective on yourself, as well as receive invaluable feedback from your mixed circle.

If you ever wanted to get deeper into what "they" are thinking and feeling across the aisle, you will never have a better opportunity to learn.

Bold Women Rising

Have you ever wanted to "get into action" with a circle of women committed to stepping into their power, their fullness, their depth and their badass boldness together?

The Bold Women Rising Action Circles are uniquely emotionally safe and at the same time challenging weekly gatherings that propel you into action in the your relationships, in your creativity and your success in the larger world.

The Bold Life Brotherhood

Men have so few places to get raw, real and vulnerable - to tell their truths and get honest feedback from caring other men.

The Bold Life Brothehood prides itself on creating a unique, safe, serious yet lighthearted online "campfire" where we can not only tell our truths to teach other, but join together in a rigorous curriculum of inner and outer upgrading - all in the spirit of brothehood and mutual support.


Action Circles for you

Tell What the Bold Life tribe / mixed groups is o join our members in taking bold, consistent action into their highest vision of what it means to be alive! To support you moving intentionally into life mastery by ratcheting up your skills every week so that you become your most present, creative, empowered, loving, self-expressed & successful self.


Action Circles for you

Tell What the Bold Life tribe / mixed groups is o join our members in taking bold, consistent action into their highest vision of what it means to be alive! To support you moving intentionally into life mastery by ratcheting up your skills every week so that you become your most present, creative, empowered, loving, self-expressed & successful self.


Action Circles for you

Tell What the Bold Life tribe / mixed groups is o join our members in taking bold, consistent action into their highest vision of what it means to be alive! To support you moving intentionally into life mastery by ratcheting up your skills every week so that you become your most present, creative, empowered, loving, self-expressed & successful self.


Turning your passion into goodness and ripple joy to the world


CREATE the life you actually desire - one Bold Action at a time

Bold, Consistent Action Changes Everything ...

The Bold Life Tribe is devoted in all its Circles, Mens, Womens and Coed - to inspire people into taking bold, consistent action into their highest vision of what it means to be alive!.

We have seen that that only bold, consistent action with focused intention moves people into greater life mastery and happiness. That's why our Circles support people in ratcheting up their skills every week so that they become their most present, creative, empowered, loving, self-aware, self-expressed & successful self.!

The Annual Wheel of Wholeness does just that!

We Help You Create The Life You Desire

One Week at a Time - Here are Just some ways how your life will Uplevel



  • Joy - you will rediscover and commit to the things that light you up - which often get lost in the rounds of obligation, work and family.
  • Connection - You will heal wounded relationships and ignite powerful, authentic, profound, passionate new ones.
  • Intimacy - You will MASTER techniques that bring you and your lover(s) closer, deeper, more grateful, open and willing to grow more loving.



  • Sovereignty - You will OWN Your path, clear your path, stop apologizing for what you want to create in your life and do it! 
  • Offering - You will perform the role of the Royal - the provider of value, the giving of your greatest gifts without withhold or expectation.
  • Release - You will empty yourself of all regret, anxiety, past and future concerns, covert contracts and resentments to prepare for the next powerful phase of your life.



  • Freedom - You will open yourself to your pure potential - all your biggest dreams and desires that have been asleep - and act!
  • Calling - You will discover what is calling you NOW in your life, so you no longer serve old, worn out desires and goals (so common!)
  • Truth - you will refine your personal and professional callings to make sure they are true to you - and narrow your laser-focus to create change.



  • ​Purpose - you will hone your sense of purpose to align them with your highest visions of joy, service and your core character
  • ​Rigor - you will rid yourself of distractions, false selves, masks, doubts and unwanted habits to accelerate your success.
  • Conquest - You will take MASSIVE action in your outer world to align it to your highest aspirations and desires.
" No more playing small!

I decided to become a Bold Life Tribe Action Circle leader specifically for me because i have felt a deep calling to work with men for a long time, and when I saw Adam had something going on and called for leadership it resonated with me. I have done several programs and I know Adam knows what he is doing. I like it – it’s important - and I want to help lead and build this movement with getting men in action. FREDRIK KLAUSET, MANNHEIM, NORWAY

Fredrick Klauset - Mannheim, Norway

To create a world where our members connect deeply with their inner lives, with each other, with everyone in their lives and with the very systems of life that sustain us. We see our Tribe members becoming beacons of energy, adventure, fearlessness and profound clarity and compassion for all those who encounter them.


To join our members in taking bold, consistent action into their highest vision of what it means to be alive! To support you moving intentionally into life mastery by ratcheting up your skills every week so that you become your most present, creative, empowered, loving, self-expressed & successful self.

Bringing Together Leaders of Broad Skills and Depth


Co-Founder & CEO

A prolific author, mentor and Bold Life Coach for 15 Years, Adam Gilad lives to spark men and women into creating a robust, daring and fearless life of love, adventure, success and nurturance! An Emmy-Nominated Executive Producer, Adam’s award-winning films have appeared on USA Networks, Lifetime and TNT. He has authored over 20 television shows and has written extensively about personal skills mastery and relationship skills. A Founder of The International Dating and Relationship Coach Institute, a Stanford University Humanities Center Graduate Research Fellow, Cambridge University Schools and Universities Fellow, Lady Davis Graduate Research Fellow at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem as well as a veteran of National Lampoon Radio, Amazonian shamanic and Eastern wisdom traditions, Adam brings together a unique mix of humor, global wisdom, advanced education and communication expertise. 

He is a fierce stand for determined fearlessness in self-awareness, self-evolution, global responsibility, compassion, forgiveness and "the infinite game of love." 

Meet Mariela

Co-Founder & CCO

With a broad background in advertising, visual communication and design, working with several multinational brands and UN Agencies, transformation work has always been Mariela’s deepest passion. A consistent practice of meditation, yoga and transformational work for over 17 years has been her gateway to inner wisdom, as she has moved through trainings and certifications in several techniques and philosophies - including NLP, Neuro Semantics, Coaching, Hypnosis, Metaphysical Psychology, breathwork, yoga, embodiment practices and different healing traditions, Thai Yoga Therapy and many other healing arts. Mariela has traveled widely, teaching meditation and leading courses worldwide.

Mariela Castillo is a writer, performer, visual artist, designer and entrepreneur from the Dominican Republic. She has worked with more than 150 brands, UN Agencies and humanitarian initiatives internationally. Transformation through art has always been her deepest passion. Mariela has traveled over 15 countries exploring multiple trainings, from psychology to hypnosis, from fine arts to shamanism as tools to unlock her inner wisdom. She is now writing her first novel Rotten Apple, the inspiration for her Rotten Apple solo performance.

A unique talent, Mariela brings dual streams of expertise, first as an international brand manager and advertising design executive and more importantly as a highly regarded teacher of meditation, awakening practices and yoga. The Founder of GaiaTree, an experimental "Center of Light" in Santo Domingo, D.R., Mariela pioneered women's and enlightenment circles in the prison system as well as gratis transformation work for the underserved population of that city.

Mariela is an advertising, visual communications and brand expert. She has worked with more than 200 multinational brands across 21 countries and a few UN Agencies such as UNICEF & UNOPS and have works on humanitarian initiatives internationally... but

transformation work has always been Mariela’s deepest passion.

A consistent practice of meditation, shamanism & yoga for over 17 years has been her gateway to inner wisdom, as she has moved through multiple trainings and certifications in several techniques and philosophies - including NLP, Neuro-Semantics, Life & Spiritual Coaching, Hypnosis, Metaphysical Psychology, breath-work, Yoga and different healing traditions and arts. Mariela is a Transformational Coach & Embodiment Expert and has over a decade of teaching deep mind- body transformational practices. She is also a prolific artist in the form of writing, painting and music. She is the producer, performer and writer of the Hollywood Fringe Featured Rotten Apple stage show.

Mariela is an advertising, visual communications and brand expert. She has worked with more than 200 multinational brands across 21 countries and a few UN Agencies such as UNICEF & UNOPS and have works on humanitarian initiatives internationally... but

transformation work has always been Mariela’s deepest passion.

A consistent practice of meditation, shamanism & yoga for over 17 years has been her gateway to inner wisdom, as she has moved through multiple trainings and certifications in several techniques and philosophies - including NLP, Neuro-Semantics, Life & Spiritual Coaching, Hypnosis, Metaphysical Psychology, breath-work, Yoga and different healing traditions and arts. Mariela is a Transformational Coach & Embodiment Expert and has over a decade of teaching deep mind- body transformational practices. She is also a prolific artist in the form of writing, painting and music. She is the producer, performer and writer of the Hollywood Fringe Featured Rotten Apple stage show.


Rich Litvin is one of the world’s most exclusive coaches. He works with no more than five personal one-on-one clients a year and his clients are by invitation or referral only. His coaching is highly personalized and tailor-made for each individual client and ranges from $40,000 to $250,000 a year. He is the co-author of The Prosperous Coach and the leader of 4PC, one of the largest and most successful training programs for coaches in the world. 

Dr. Susan Champbel

A unique talent, Mariela brings dual streams of expertise, first as an international brand manager and advertising design executive and more importantly as a highly regarded teacher of meditation, awakening practices and yoga. The Founder of GaiaTree, an experimental "Center of Light" in Santo Domingo, D.R., Mariela pioneered women's and enlightenment circles in the prison system as well as gratis transformation work for the underserved population of that city.  
After 35 years of rigorous study & practice in both creating enlightened business growth and developing higher consciousness, Satyen Raja works privately with CEOs, high impact individuals, executive teams who have mastered accomplishment in the financial and public world, but now want a deeper balance, illumination and self-realized equilibrium that we call Peak Existence™.

A unique talent, Mariela brings dual streams of expertise, first as an international brand manager and advertising design executive and more importantly as a highly regarded teacher of meditation, awakening practices and yoga. The Founder of GaiaTree, an experimental "Center of Light" in Santo Domingo, D.R., Mariela pioneered women's and enlightenment circles in the prison system as well as gratis transformation work for the underserved population of that city.  

Woman 2

After 35 years of rigorous study & practice in both creating enlightened business growth and developing higher consciousness, Satyen Raja works privately with CEOs, high impact individuals, executive teams who have mastered accomplishment in the financial and public world, but now want a deeper balance, illumination and self-realized equilibrium that we call Peak Existence™.

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Bringing Together Leaders of Broad Skills and Depth

J. Scott MacMillan

Kansas City, USA

Author and certified NLP life coach J. Scott MacMillan centers his work around the theory of the Hero’s Journey. Drawing upon the concept’s relatable and inspirational nature, MacMillan has created a 5 step plan designed to help people reclaim their power, step into their authentic self, and become the hero of their own life.

Klaus Klein

Kansas City, USA

Klaus believes in the enormous power of the human spirit within each person. He knows the ancient wisdom of connecting men in group settings that can inspire, expand, and empower each man to lead a fuller life.

Andre Paradis

Woodland Hills, California, USA

Often, relationships can seem to be a power struggle. The magic is to be fully aware of the energy mechanism in place in these dynamics and learn to negotiate your wants and needs respectfully to reduce power friction. This truly is the basis of Andre’s work.

Rob Nugen

Tokyo, Japan

Thinker, creator, sculptor and veteran of the Mankind Project, Rob brings a special depth as well as sense of creativity to his online Circles. Rob leads men in the Asian time zone - so nobody gets left out.

Tony Marsala

Tokyo, Japan

A movement to the journey of boldness and the positive masculine man. How can we build together to meet your goals, make changes and direct you to your definition of success.

This how this program came to being and why you will succeed with it

The Bold Life Brotherhood™ started in the joint imagination of Adam Gilad and Mariela Castillo. Both had been long passionate about men’s and women’s growth, human transformation, advanced emotional and life skills and creative expression. Both had been long involved as leaders in personal development and training - as well as in film, dance, theater and the visual arts. 

Since 2005 Adam has been leading men and women around the world into intentional living- and-love-as-a-practice through his Bold Life Academy transformational workshops and retreats. He partnered with David Deida from 2007-2009 to build out the impact of David’s teaching globally.  

Through his early work in teaching The Boldness Code workshops for dating and relationship skills, he became convinced him that what men really needed was to live with both external and internal boldness. To face dragons. To be in action. And to live as bold, inspired and free as humanly possible. Not only to attract and inspire partners - but because hell, if you’re going to have life, you might as well turn it into something you enjoy and can be proud of! That takes both inner and outer work - and inner and outer play. Done boldly. Consistently. And with accountability from brothers.   

Meanwhile, Mariela had opened a healing center in the Carribean called GaiaTree - an oasis of human development in a bustling city. She not only led courses but created a vibrant community of learning around connection and growth through coaching, women’s circles, yoga, meditation and a variety of transformational workshops.  

Both were enjoying their work, the experience and the impact they were having.  

But while thousands passed through Mariela’s GaiaTree and Adam’s student community reached 70,000, both realized in 2019 that there is so much healing to be done in the world and we could share our tools with men to build their own growth communities in their hometowns - and create a real and viable business while they were at it. We realized that the practices we had created could serve hundreds of thousands if we allied ourselves with men who would like to step up their leadership game - and who could put our curriculum and marketing expertise to work locally to create more impact and build their own local transformational communities and businesses. 

This is why we decided to create this “done-for-you” platform that brings men into personal transformation work through the “easy doorway” of the Action Circles. We made sure to bring a spirit of creative fun - because people are magnetized to fun, and also, on principle, so much personal development work is so serious and stuffy and often feels like a “burden.”  

We all forget life is a big game that we are all playing as best we can and that we often have the power to change the rules and play creatively!  

So we switched the emphasis from the seriousness of “inner work” to “inner play” as much as possible. Engaged play. Infinite play. Intentional play. Not frivolous at all.

The kind of play that awakens our spirits from slumber.

Our plan is to launch a sister version for women in late 2020.


The Bold Life Tribe™ started in the imaginations of Adam Gilad and Mariela Castillo. Both have long been passionate leaders of men’s and women’s growth, human transformation and creative expression. Both had been long involved as leaders in personal development - as well as in film, dance, theater and the visual arts.

Since 2005 Adam has been leading men and women around the world into intentional living- and-love-as-a-practice through his Bold Life Academy transformational workshops and retreats. He partnered with David Deida from 2007-2009 to build out the impact of David’s teaching globally.

Through his early work in teaching The Boldness Code workshops for dating and relationship skills, he became convinced him that what both men and women really needed was to live with both external and internal boldness. To face dragons. To be in action. To ask cleanly for what they wanted in the world. And to live bold, inspired and free. Inner and outer work. Inner and outer play.

Meanwhile, Mariela opened a healing center in the Carribean called GaiaTree - an oasis of human development in a bustling city. She not only led courses but created a vibrant community of learning around connection and growth through coaching, women’s circles, yoga, meditation and a variety of transformational workshops.

Both were enjoying their work, the experience and the impact they were having.

But while thousands passed through Mariela’s GaiaTree and Adam’s student community reached 70,000, both realized in 2019 that there is so much healing to be done in the world that we could share our tools with men to build their own growth communities - and create a real and viable business while they were at it.

We realized that the practices we had created could serve hundreds of thousands if we allied ourselves with men and women who were ready to step up their leadership game - and who could put our curriculum and marketing expertise to work to create more impact and build their own transformational communities and businesses.

This is why we decided to create the Tribe platform and Action Circles. We made sure to bring a spirit of creative fun - because people are magnetized to fun, and also, on principle, so much personal development work is so serious and stuffy and often feels like a “burden.”

We all forget life is a big game that we are all playing as best we can and that we often have the power to change the rules and play creatively!

So we switched the emphasis from the seriousness of “inner work” to “inner play” as much as possible. Engaged play. Infinite play. Intentional play. Not frivolous at all.

The kind of play that awakens our spirits from slumber.


The Bold Life Tribe

The Bold Life Tribe

© The Higher Game LLC. 2020. All Rights Reserved.